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How Are We Doing?

It is important to us that you have the best possible experience during your office visit. We hope you will take a few moments to complete the following survey and let us know how we are doing. Thank you!

Would you recommend Dr. Crenshaw to your friends and family?

Select an option

Did Dr. Crenshaw help you understand your medical condition(s)?

Select an option

Did Dr. Crenshaw listen to you and answer your questions?

Select an option

Do you feel that Dr. Crenshaw spent an appropriate amount of time with you?

Select an option

Do you trust Dr. Crenshaw to make decisions and recommendations that are in your best interest?

Select an option

Did you find our office staff friendly?

Select an option

How did you find our office environment (cleanliness, comfort, lighting, temperature)?

Select an option

How easy was it for you to schedule an appointment when you felt ill?

Select an option

Once you arrived for your scheduled appointment How long did you have to wait to see Dr. Crenshaw?

Did you download forms from our website and complete them before your appointment?

Select an option

Would you like to see any additional information listed on our website?

Please feel free to provide any additional comments or recommendation.

Your Name (optional)

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